the earliest times Tripoli in North Lebanon was an
unusual city due to its configuration for it was not one
city but " three cities in one", hence its name Tripoli
or the "Tri-city". Built on a rocky promontory on the
East Mediterranean cost. Its geographical and strategic
position was further enhanced by the presence of
offshore islands and natural ports. Tripoli thus
inevitably played and still playing a predominant role
in political and economic developments in the region and
the Middle East for over two millennia.
GEOGRAPHY Lebanon is
situated along the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea, with a 10,452Km2
surface. All regions are within easy reach: it will take a maximum of 4
hours by car to reach the most far-flung places from Beirut.
Beirut, Tripoli, Byblos, Sidon, Tyre and other major cities are situated on
the narrow coastal plain, only 6 Km2 at the widest point. Mount Lebanon, a
rugged and rocky landscape, rises steeply from the coastal plain, with the
highest peak at 3,360m. The Anti-Lebanon mountains are almost of the same
height and length, and form a natural border with the
neighboring countries
to the east.
In between is the Beqaa Valley with a central plateau at an average of 760m
above sea level. Throughout history, the Beqaa Valley has been considered a
major agricultural region, rich with historical sites.
Lebanon is packed with history,
archaeology, natural beauty and a handsome population of
fun-loving people whose hospitality and warmth extends
the length and breadth of the country. Lebanon is
situated along the eastern shores of the Mediterranean
Sea, with a 10,452Km2 surface. All regions are within
easy reach: it will take a maximum of 4 hours by car to
reach the most far-flung places from Beirut.
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